Saturday 26 December 2009

Northern Soul: Ying and Yang

Its often said in life that you cannot have the good without the bad, the essence of ying and yang,,black and white, positive or negative. And so it is with Northern Soul. yes shockingly Northern Soul has a downside. Sacriledge i hear you all cry, burn him at the stake. But I remember it distinctly, check any YouTube video and you'll see the classic Ying and Yang in all its multi-coloured glory.

The music will waft gloriously over your senses and the dancing will be astounding, the Ying...but the Yang, will be the..flares, the tight T-Shirts, the vests the huge shirt collars..yes seventies fashion is the ball and chain that tugs at the majesty of Northern Soul tunes. Seventies fashion its indefensible despite what geezers in their midfifties say, it was bloody awful I remember it as a kid and it haunts me still.

However, in the virtual world even seventies fashion has potential, just sidestep the flares and lose yourself in the tunes.

Yeah Albion can even make flares look cool

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