Friday 18 February 2011

Modernist Fashion in SL

Second Life male mod fashion items are a scarce commodity and so its usual to look outside of mainstream sixties British styles. One valuable virtual aid is to check the Japanese fashion houses of the virtual world. Japanese edgy fashion has some NeoMod crossover potential and I discovered this range of sharp looking blazers whilst muddling through the fashion options at the Marketplace. They come in a wide range of colour, variations and are scripted for sizing and the trousers also have colour scripting; a scripted tie is also included in the package. It seems a reasonable option for 400$l with various colour change options, as yet Ive not bought one but I might just treat myself. If your looking for a sharp NeoMod style with a splash of Asian flair this could prove to be a good option. Its available at either the Marketplace or the store inworld..

The Marketplace


1 comment:

  1. I'd say 95% (or more) of the clothes I wear in SL are made by Japanese creators. For neo-mod styles in particular, they are great.
