Sunday 18 April 2010

Modernist Fashion in SL

Are you weary of black or grey suits, tired of navy and dispirited by biege. Mods need to be sharp, mods should not fear being labelled flash; rather, a mod should embrace such labels. And this fabulous electric blue suit from Lois Allen Designs Discount Outlet achieves that and more. Okay its not the greatest texturing and yes its not the most realistic item of clothing I possess; but for sheer impact this suit takes some beating. Stroll out onto the sprung dance floor at your nearest virtual mod club and you'll create a buzz. Girls will love it and geezers will dismiss you whilst secretly think..bollox I wish I had got myself one, and at a knockdown 60L$ they really should do. There is an equally stunning Aqua suit in a very similar design that I have my eye on. No more black, no more grey - I'm out there in a haze of electric blue.

In modernist terms the shirt that comes with the suit isnt really suitable but married to a classic buttin down collar from the Unknown Boutique the suit displays its modernist retro ctredentials, the search for a suitable shirt/tie combination to do it justice is on. Lacks prim cuffs on the trousers, which seems standard with most clothing items but thats not really an issue as the trousers have been tightly flared and look great with sharp retro black or brown shoes. The skirt layer doesnt fit the male avatar perfectly and could do with some tweaking but on the whole its fine. A virtual modernist retro classic and all for a paltry sixty lindens. Really I should keep this beauty to myself but I'm a generous soul. Claim it, buy it, live ...go on you know you want too.

Lois Allen Designs Discount Outlet

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