Monday 6 September 2010

Tunes Time

Been a tad slow in the virtual world with not much happening beyond the standard nights at the AAi and Soul Mods; I have splashed a few lindens on some new stuff which undoubtedly I'll bore you with at some date but for now I thought I would add to the blog library of tunes, all found at the fantastic Derek's Daily 45 if you have not checked out his blog I urge you too and get downloading some vibrant soulful tunes.

So I figured I would upload a trio of current sounds from his blog, enjoy and who knows we might hear them at a virtual club some night soon.

Hope this triumvirate of cool put a smile on your face on a dull Monday morning, chill and stay cool.



  1. I've been checking out Derek's Daily 45 since I found it some months ago and it's fantastic. He uploads a new 45 from his huge collection every day.
    Never seen such a dedicated blogger before (apart from you, mate). ;)

  2. I think his blog is great, I download from it regularly. He finds some amazing tunes ... he's almost as good as you ;)
