Saturday 22 January 2011

Such Dedication... the Soul Mods cause, even if I say myself!

I guess like everybody else I occassionally get TP requests from friends, who shuush Ive forgotten, and generally I blank them but todays whilst tarting myself up ready for the set at Soul Mods I opted to jump on the scooter and see where it took me.

Arrival was a pleasant surprise, a room full of delightful girls with me the only guy. Okay I'm not convinced guy was on the menu, but given enough time I feel certain Albions walking ego could glean a few converts. So there I am in a room full a half naked chicks and to top it all the tunes are great. The Feelgoods had my feet tapping and other heavy blues from John Lee Hooker etc had me thumping away. Great tunes, cool looking girls does it get any better? In the virtual world it rarely does, even if they aint interested, virtuality can be a cool spectator sport just ask.....

However such is my loyalty to Soul Mods and the coolest of tunes, I forsook this den of sexuality to listen to daft jokes and cool tunes, a soldier to the cause. So next time your thinking of going elsewhere rememeber the sacrifice Albion made, and get your arses there!

Typing this as Slate plays the magnificent seven, ouch you missed a chance there thats why I'm being quiet ...right at this minute, hahaha little in joke in chat there for my own amusement. Highlight has to be Slate's Camblewick Green Mod jingle, had us all laughing and the tunes they had us dancing. One of the advantages of a virtual night life is you can dance all night even when your feet are hammered with ugly blisters. As the stellas flowed and the DJ caught up with his runaway fridge the tunes got louder the foot thumping gopt faster and the fun grew and grew. As always there was a diverse mix of people at the club enjoying the tunes and joining in the bewildering chat that seems to flow endlessly throughout a Soul Mods night out, catch up with it if you can.

Aston, Albion, Dugi, Pusi, Slate, Suzi and Gil, Eden Honeyrose and finally Chocolate dancing up a storm.

At one point Dugi made the earth move for the ladies, sadly the men too as he shuffled the dancefloor, novel adaption of a sprung dancefloor. The software screwed with Slate's tune choice, and we just partied on having a laugh and enjoying ourselves. Naked avatars have their charms I guess but they dont beat a good laugh with yer mates, ciao.

*Remember almost all this is bollox and not meant to be taken seriously, its a daft blog not the Sunday Times, although as thats NewsCorp is there a difference, I'm not tapping yer phone thats one

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