Wednesday 26 August 2009

Its Over...

I t seems its finally over The Twissted Wheel is no more, its very foundations dispatched to its creator's inventory. Why? To be honest I have no idea something to do with internal politics and modernist factions disagreeing , blah blah. What I am certain of is that a huge gap in the modernist's second life has been created and we must wait in anticipation to see if it can be filled by an alternate venue. I am fearful of this and severely doubt it, but Second Life is a hive of creativity so who knows, not me that's a certainty.

What made The Wheel so great, the music was astounding but the whole look of the construction screamed modernist; and I confess I posed often in front of the walls etc to give a chilled mod feel to my happy snaps. It was the look as much as the sound that made The Wheel so special and I shall miss it.

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