Saturday 15 August 2009

Its a Mods second life

Well after a stumbling debut on the Free Finds for Men Blog I thought I might try a touch of inane second life warbling here on a blog of my own creation. No mean feat considering my feeble technical skills and inate luddite tendencies. What should you expect, a raft of typos grammarical errors [did you spot that one] and a considerable pile of fashion waffle; modernist diatribes, and musical polemics.

Do not expect to much if you discover this piece of self indulgence I lack both talent and imagination so it will limp along while it holds my enthusiam but will undoubted slip into the mire that most blogs are by nature condemned to inhabit.

Why mods, because its my youth, neomods of the nineteen eighties a chance to be reborn in Second Life, relive desperate moments at the Casino [pre-mod revivalism]; remember moonstomping ska filled school discos and rejoice in a Jam filled bedroom of classic sixties cuts and energetic young mod bands. Can you relive such a youth? Well the scooters are there, a few clubs too. The clothes can be rooted out and if you're clever [which I am not, hey its not self deprecation just blind honesty,,technical computer stuff confuses me] you can produce your own.

Okay time to jump on my Vespa and head out to the Twisted Wheel, see you there some time.

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