In our minds we built our little Soul Mods party up to be a thunderstorm, so was it or was it a sprinkle instead? No it damn well was not a sprinkle, it was a full scale hurricane of mod mayhem and laughter. What a night of delight, snowballs, flamingo thongs, fishnet stockings and a super hero,,all in a single night. Blimey school discos were never quite like this.
I launched into the club in full swing after my encounter with BBC 1 to be greeted by a snowball in the unmentionables, and to be frank that set the tone for a blindin' night. The entertainment was ballsy, the humour was out there and the music droves us on higher and higher into the air. Eden hammered us with her usual blend in the first set before Kim, ah sweet dwarfy Kim, came along and throttled us with the second hour and when you thought it was all over,,,somewhat sleepy Slate saved us and kept the beat going for another hour or more. When did it end, who knows I slipped away after the pumpkin hour.
So, why was this night amongst so many great nights so much wasnt all Yuletide kisses it was serious get on your arse fun: laugh we cried; dancing our little virtual feet off we typoed quicker than a ,,well err,,a fast typist type geezer. Gestured our way up and down the keyboard and kept each other awake by hurling snowballs at the weak and feeble....yeah the dancing was fierce, so fierce poor wee Kim danced her two feet off, quite literally, well virtually. The rest of us, balls of mist or wonder dancing queens we just kept on grooving and entertained each other the best we could. How did we do that, employed the best of British, made virtual fools of ourselves and had fun.
No Sean again tonight, so we put a replacement in his corner, but he failed to get the groove, as Dugi so rightly saifd he was nought but a square. And as for Sean's sentence, there were plenty of candidates but well a mystery guests filled that slot with...
you said "I'd do him"
which brought the house down, context my friends its all in the context
Blogged this; blogged thatt but sadly forgot to blog my Rocky Horror undies, ah well there's always next year...keep the groove alive and jump to the beat!